Vising the re-open queue tonight I came across two posts nominated for re-opening due to edits made to the post. You can see them for yourself here:
Suggested edit by @ctx and approved by @egid and,
I am highlighting these because while the edits are normally what we want to do to improve the quality of posting, neither of these edits does anything to address why the questions were closed. However, the act of editing automatically puts the question into the re-open queue where it doesn't really belong.
Should these kind of edits be rejected (to avoid nominating for reopening) or avoided (for users with the rep to edit)? It seems counterproductive to clean up grammar and structure of a question the community has already decided shouldn't be here. Unless the edits address the reason for the closing and make the question suitable for reopening I do not feel they should happen and that was not the case for the mentioned questions.
How do the rest of you feel about this?