EDIT 05 July
Thanks for your feedback! As the community requested, here are a few changes:
The vote icons
Goal: de-emphasize the regular vote icons (right now they look active even though they're not).
The questions color
Goal: Make them less bright.
The site icon & favicon
Goal: Since using the full logo doesn't work, create another one that works better at small sizes.
All these changes will be live after our next production build.
As you can see the new design just went live. Congratulations! Thank you for your valuable design feedback.
We have also themed the twitter account and newsletter template for this site, and adjusted the privilege levels to higher thresholds.
If you see any CSS/styling bugs, please start a new post and tag it with design and bug.
Congrats again and thank you for being an awesome community!
Oh! And by the way, we have also updated your Chat theme!