I recently asked this question. One of the comments suggested something I had not thought about, that the situation is ongoing so there may not be anyone who can provide an answer.
I'm also now skeptical that I will get an answer to the first question I asked. I just don't think this site is known widely enough by the worlds pilots, aviation professionals and enthusiasts for one of the handful of pilots who fly over the specific mountain I mentioned to see, let alone answer my question.
I'm also beginning to think the same thing about this question. Again, what percentage of private airstrip owners in the United States know about Aviation.SE?
I've been a private pilot for twelve years, a power web user for twenty two and I just noticed the existance of this site a month ago. When I shared a recent post with the 100+ members of my glider club, I don't believe a single one knew of it's existence. This is from a cross section ranging from new pilots to pilots of 60+ years, instructors and students, Airline pilots, former and active military pilots, etc. Is this site just not well known enough yet to support such specific aviation related questions?
- How long should I wait to take action on these questions, in the interest of good citizenship on this site? Is it acceptable for me to leave them out there for awhile and wait, hoping, as the site becomes more well known, that the questions will be answered eventually?
- For the case of the first question I mentioned, which may never have an answer, what should I do? Answer it myself with a note that I've concluded that it is unaswerable?
I know I've broken the cardinal rule for asking questions on the main site by asking multiple questions in one post, but I'm hoping I'll get some leeway on the Meta site.