A comment by ymb1 on an answer to my related question Can a locked thread be upvoted? suggested I ought to raise the issue of my locked answer Which parts of class E airspace can an ultralight (part 103) fly in without prior ATC authorization? . That's news to me; I wasn't aware that the banner "This post has been locked while disputes about its content are being resolved. For more info visit meta." meant that I was supposed to post something here. I tried looking around for some sort of tab or button that would give info on why my specific answer was locked but didn't find anything. Thanks for the pointer ymb1.
ymb1 suggested "Edit your question above about your intentions with the post if it were to be unlocked after reading my answer"
I don't feel that really belongs in my other question so I'll create this one.
Ok, my intention would be to greatly slow down the edits-- wait until I have a significant edit to make, consisting of actual new content to add, and include all minor edits at that time, and no more than say monthly in most cases, and likely with many months or even longer between edits.
Be aware that there is very high chance that new legislation will go into effect within the next 3-12 months that will bear directly on my answer. A friend of mine is also seeking an official interpretation from the FAA that will bear directly on my answer. So I am not saying that I would never wish to edit the answer again.
The truth is a new interpretation from the FAA might allow the answer to be radically streamlined. It would be a shame not to be able to do that.
OK, there you go-- trying to follow ymb1's suggestion as best I understand it-- am I doing the right thing here or should I be doing something different?
I'm not really that worried about it as I'm happy to have it up there just as it stands right now but figured might as well try to get it unlocked.
Added component to question-- if I just do nothing does it just stay up there, locked, indefinitely, or what else might happen?
And how can I find out what the specific objections are anyway, if they encompass anything beyond too frequent editing, as the last comment that appeared before the thread was locked, made by the person who locked it, suggests?