We recently had the question How can luggage be lost if it has a bag tag?
The question was closed as off-topic, but there was disagreement in the comments about whether or not it should be considered off-topic.
One comment suggested posting it on Travel.SE, but others pointed out (and as a semi-frequent contributor on both sites, I would agree) that it's not really within the expertise of that site. Travel.SE is mostly just frequent travelers with only a relatively small percentage having any significant familiarity how anything works behind the scenes at an airport.
That being said, the question not being especially likely to attract a good answer at Travel.SE doesn't make it on-topic (or likely to attract a good answer) here.
Currently, the On-Topic page for Aviation says that questions about "The "passenger aspects" of commercial air travel" are off-topic. Personally, I would consider questions about baggage handling to largely fall into that category, but, since there seemed to be some disagreement, I wanted to raise the question here to see what the community thinks.