
It is accepted (Should I vote to close a duplicate question, even though it's much newer, and has more up to date answers?) that duplicate closing can apply to a older question, i.e. vote to close the older if the newer post is better (Q and/or A).

In lieu of that, in Closing an earlier post as a duplicate of a later one, Jeff Atwood simply answered:

Just merge them.

I'm not sure what's the current stance (here) on merging. I've seen it done just the once back in Nov 2016.

Long story short, can we merge those:

In this particular case, it would (not sure if diplomatic hat is on or off) mitigate the useless bumping of the posts with the lower-scored answers with "new" unsubstantiated insights.


1 Answer 1


Urgh what a mess. I have taken the following actions

  1. Merged Why the need for the MCAS on the Boeing 737 Max 8? into What is MCAS trying to fix on B737 MAX?
  2. Left What is MCAS' purpose? as duplicate of What is MCAS trying to fix on B737 MAX? as it came much later and was already closed as duplicate

I didn't see much benefit in the final merge, but if anyone feels super strongly about it post a comment and I might rethink.


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