A question about deciphering an ATC recording was posted today:
Pilot communication with ATC partially unreadable
Can anybody decipher this pilot's landing request due to moderate turbulence (some unreadable words...). Thanks ! https://www.icloud.com/iclouddrive/03kDM9-xQ7Oyz3kUaeRJj6M5Q#AUDIO-2021-12-03-07-51-16
I didn't really know what to do with it in review, so I skipped it and ask here:
Should we allow questions like this as on-topic? I don't see how such a question would be of benefit to the community. The help center How do I ask a good question? page says
Make it relevant to others
We like to help as many people at a time as we can. Make it clear how your question is relevant to more people than just you, and more of us will be interested in your question and willing to look into it.
But this doesn't automatically make it off-topic. There is also the case of aircraft identification questions, which are of similar little use to others, but are usually popular questions and as previously discussed (here and here) are on-topic.
An additional problem I see with the question above is that the audio recording is only available on an icloud drive, which may disappear in the future. This might make the question completely useless to others in the future.