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Questions tagged [exact-duplicates]

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3 answers

Why is this A321 spoilers question closed as a duplicate?

Do the different spoilers on an A321 extend by different amounts? closed as dupe to Why is there a difference in the max spoilers extension between the A320 and A321 in a roll? One is asking do, ...
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Should this question about cockpit painting colors be reopened as not a duplicate?

So, I saw that this question was closed as a duplicate of this question, but I don't think it should be. The second question is "why are the cockpits of Soviet aircraft painted blue-green", ...
nick012000's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Why can't I close this question as a duplicate?

I was just trying to close Why did Boeing use customer codes? as a duplicate of What use was there for Boeing to include customer numbers in their aircraft model names, and why did they end this ...
Bianfable's user avatar
  • 58.3k
8 votes
2 answers

Duplicates: Should we close the new question if it's better than the old one?

This has been on my mind for a while: if a new question is similar to an old one in meaning, but asked with far more detail and focus, should it count as a duplicate or not? If not, should the old ...
Therac's user avatar
  • 30.1k
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3 answers

Is the question "An airplane has an engine that pushes its flight. What force pushes a glider to fly?" really a duplicate of the noted question?

Is the question "An airplane has an engine that pushes its flight. What force pushes a glider to fly?" really a duplicate of "What produces thrust along the line of flight in a glider? "?
quiet flyer's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Should the 'E195 gliding' question be closed or left open?

The question: For how long can an Embraer E195 airplane glide at malfunction? The review ended with 3x leave open and 2x close. The question asks if a specific plane would fall like a rock, or how ...
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7 votes
3 answers

Are 'aircraft identification' questions using photos eligible for duplicate voting?

Not post-specific, rather general policy, but I will use two posts as an example: A recent question asked: What is this aircraft that has flown over my house all day? To which I voted duplicate for: ...
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0 votes
0 answers

Duplicate questions that raise better answers?

Often I see duplicate questions that have great answers. Can the original question be edited to reflect all the duplicates titles in the body as a foot note? Can answers be migrated from the ...
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9 votes
2 answers

Duplicate? Let's be real please

I asked this question: How does envelope protection work in Airbus vs. Boeing aircraft? and it was quickly marked as "duplicate of What are the main differences piloting Boeing vs. Airbus aircraft?" ...
Caterpillaraoz's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How can I search to see if the question I am about to ask has not yet been asked?

My greatest fear is to post a duplicate question here, how can I avoid that? Even this very question here at meta might have already been asked, how can I have this vision to see the questions that ...
Marcello Miorelli's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What to do when the question that is a "duplicate" does not contain the needed answer

My question has recently been closed as a duplicate of this much broader question. While the "duplicate" question does mention altitude as well, it does not contain the needed answer. It is much ...
h22's user avatar
  • 12.2k
2 votes
1 answer

What to do about the "window shades" question?

There has been a question about window shades, which has been asked on both Travel.SE and Skeptics.SE. Why open up the window-shades before landing? On commercial airlines, I've noticed that ...
Qantas 94 Heavy's user avatar