Should there be a time limit for old questions from users with very low reputation? It seems that some of the stale questions are from users that will never return. Perhaps there should be a limit set to the number of days that a question asked by a first-timer will remain before it is automatically flagged or removed.
8$\begingroup$ I might be misunderstanding you, but why should we care about who asked a question? If it is a good question, it stays, else it is closed/removed, independently from who asked it (at least in theory, practice has its exceptions unfortunately) or how long they participate. $\endgroup$– FedericoCommented Jul 4, 2017 at 13:38
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This already happens, but it's not based on the reputation of the user: it's based on the score (votes) of the question, the number of views, and a couple of other things. Questions with helpful answers also won't be deleted.
The network-wide meta site has a description of when questions get automatically deleted. The system is known as Roomba.