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9 votes
4 answers

Please do not suggest withholding information from AME

One often reoccurring question category here is of format "I have medical condition, can I get a medical". For the love of god do not ever advice anyone to withhold any infromation from AME! ...
Jpe61's user avatar
  • 30.5k
6 votes
1 answer

Do we still delete "demonstrably wrong" answers?

I recently asked an answer-specific question, Why is this clearly wrong answer "Looks OK"?, followed by a post on the main meta, Can we have more options for low-quality reviews?, an answer ...
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6 votes
1 answer

An incomplete or interdependent answer

Here is an answer by jpe61 that was flagged as low quality. I strongly considered rejecting the flag, given the number of upvotes, until I looked at the question body. When I recommended deletion, he ...
Abdullah is not an Amalekite's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Condescending comments and answers

This question in particular Can you request a new squawk code if you don’t like the one being assigned? It seems that the person's superstition and belief is being questioned and answer more than the ...
Bageletas's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

How do I flag as "low quality"?

In answer to this question about Low Quality flags, I was told that these flags are user generated, not system generated. I took a look at the list of flags available (to me, at least), and I don't ...
FreeMan's user avatar
  • 16.4k
7 votes
1 answer

Why did a nearly 2 year old answer suddenly get flagged as "Low Quality"?

This answer from Oct '18 (nearly 2 years ago as of today, Sept 18, 2020) just showed up in the review queue as "Potentially low quality because of its length and content." For 2 years, it's ...
FreeMan's user avatar
  • 16.4k
2 votes
1 answer

For planes, do we need an up-to-date fleet count in the tag wikis?

I just rejected two edit suggestions: reject reason: linked wiki articles are enough for this type of always-changing information ...
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8 votes
2 answers

Repeat no-effort answers, Looks OK or Delete?

As an example, which does happen every now and again, this answer: It is a one-liner that was posted four hours after two back-to-back answers, and ...
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8 votes
2 answers

How can we best tackle the reviewing discrepancy?

To start off, I'll borrow something @DanHulme said in chat a while back: "Review votes" aren't supposed to be a democratic decision about whether each post individually should be allowed. They're ...
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14 votes
0 answers

Please don't edit from the review pages

What's the problem? From What are the guidelines for reviewing?: (...) Keep in mind that editing within the queue will be a unilateral Looks OK vote, so be careful with edits that just make minor ...
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