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Should we change the title of the question about the black triangle in the Cabin?

I am speaking about this question: What does this placard on board an A320 denote? As the Stackexchange network aims for a high rate of users coming from search engines and this question is about ...
Noah Krasser's user avatar
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Missing search hit for "circled r"

Why does a Q&A search for "circled r" show only reirab’s answer about private airports and not PMoubed’s question about the Communications section in the Chart Supplement? Both contain the phrase ...
Greg Bacon's user avatar
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How can I search to see if the question I am about to ask has not yet been asked?

My greatest fear is to post a duplicate question here, how can I avoid that? Even this very question here at meta might have already been asked, how can I have this vision to see the questions that ...
Marcello Miorelli's user avatar
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Duplicated results following a search?

I did a search for "VHF", and got the following result twice in the results:- How many VHF system can be in MEL for an A340? I'm assuming this is because the text "VHF" is in both the question in ...
CJBS's user avatar
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